Fitzgerald and Hitler Knew the Importance of Culture
F. Scott Fitzgerald wanted to protect it, and Hitler wanted to tear it down, both for the same reason: It’s liberating.
The Scandal of Reading
Contrary to polls and anecdotes, reading is not going away, and the Young People do read like they used to. And that would have been a terrible thing a century ago. And the century before that. And all the way back to when Socrates was ranting against books.
Charles Dickens Knew Why the French Revolted
Yes, the Revolution was about politics and religion and envy and many other things. But the spark was primal: Hunger, from being taxed literally to death.
My Favorite Drug, Caffeine
I told my non-coffee drinking boyfriend I was going to bring caffeinated tea with me when I visited him to make up for the lack of coffee. “Addict,” he responded. But science — and I — said he was wrong.
Sherlock: A Study in Us
“You see, but you do not observe,” Sherlock complains to Watson — and us — constantly.